Online store in 59 minutes While the French transfer window will close its doors on September 2, things are still going strong behind the scenes. And while PSG’s summer market is obviously attracting the attention of many Internet users, it is still OM’s recruitment that most fascinates the French, with 39.8% of requests devoted to the transfer window. So, are we (already) starting to worry about the Cannebière?
On the PSG side, the new Online store in 59 minutes recruits are calle
Idrissa Gueye and Pablo Sarabia, and are currently dominating the podium of searches for new players who are (re)arriving in Ligue 1!
In dollars, the total amount (so far) of fines to be email data paid for illegal parking and speeding for an American computer scientist. Not a crazy driver, no, but a smart guy who had asked to have the word “NULL” on his license plate.
Small problem, the American computer system of fines showing this same mention
NULL” when it fails to read a registration, our america email list little geek beloved has just received all the fines of the country which had not found a taker until then. Bravo.
This is the number of airbnb. Accommodations declared in june 2019. In paris, unsurprisingly the city in france most invaded. By seasonal rentals, far ahead of its. Runners-up on the côte d’azur, cannes and nice. Each with around 11,500 accommodations.
Using the semrush tool, we looked. At monthly searches for airbnb accommodation. On google… to see that in paris, as elsewhere, the law of supply and demand is. A little disrupted, with a number of requests. That very often exceed the number of. Available accommodations.
That’s all for this month
Like the approximate number of accounts on the impots.gouv website that were hacked this summer: in reality, the hackers did not penetrate the site itself but hacked users’ email boxes in order to have a password sent to them.
More fear than harm, however: the DGFiP spokesperson hammered it home several times, “with us, there is nothing to steal”. And indeed, the hackers were content to modify declarations or bank details, without any real harm to the victims of the hack.
In millions, the number of hacker attacks enthusiastically receive by readers blocked by Kaspersky in the last three months. Which has not prevented the number of ransomware victims from exploding, reaching over 230,000 victims over the same period.
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