How is it done Audience were representatives of online stores. As a rule, a different situation is observed. – to listen about how to attract customers. Using this method. Mainly representatives of the b2b. Traditional internet marketing tools.
And since practice has shown. That interest in content marketing is growing. Among representatives of online. Focused, namely, to devote it to the topic. Of implementing content marketing. In e-commerce activities.
But what is content marketing?
First, let’s dot the i’s and cross the t’s, clearly stating what content marketing is not:
This is not a How is it done commercial text
- This is not a news feed about whatsapp data promotions, new products and discounts
- This is not a plan to update the content of your online store.
- This is not a posting of cute or sexy pictures on social networks
- it’s not “posting for the sake of posting”
Content marketing is a strategy for attracting customers without being too pushy, namely by providing content that is useful to the target audience but not overtly advertising.
The components of content marketing include:
- corporate blog
- You Tube channel (videos)
- non-commercial email newsletters (80% useful, 20% sales)
- social media posts
- “white papers” (electronic PDF files)
- webinars (online seminars)
- special projects (game sites, applications, WOW content)
- offline events (eg RED BULL jumping choose contrasting styles from the stratosphere)
Step 1: Define “why,” “for whom,” and “who”
- What are your goals for content marketing (why do you need all this?)
- who will be the consumer of your america email list content ( who is all this for)?
Now, copy and paste your SERP
It is possible that the crawl does not work. This will depend on the Xpath formula used to extract the content. There are several XPath training courses to learn how to better manage this language.
With any luck, you should see a set of page titles and meta descriptions that match the SERP URLs.