What is Toxic Productivity

Constantly thinking about work, being in touch 24/7, doing tasks for yourself and for that guy – there is only one step from healthy workaholism to toxic productivity. Yulia Skaletskaya, executive coach at the Present Perfect business school, talks about how to recognize it and how to deal with it.

There is nothing wrong with productivity as such

It is great if you work a lot and productively, actively participate in the life of the company, but at the same time maintain a work-life balance: devote time to family, friends and hobbies. Productivity becomes toxic when it starts to poison you, and then those around you.

You feel the need to work around the clock. If you have a free hour, you come up with new tasks for yourself, answer letters during europe cell phone number list dinner with relatives, and always take your computer on vacation. When work tasks Toxic Productivity really run out, you chaotically buy expensive advanced training courses or professional literature.

You feel guilty for not working enough or for not working well

At least, that’s how it seems to you. Whatever you do, no matter how many tasks you complete, you are sure that it is not enough, and the result is imperfect.

Constantly worrying during your aero leads leisure time. Relaxing and enjoying a visit to an exhibition or a romantic date is not for you. This time seems to you to be wasted, precious minutes that could be spent on work.

You set unrealistic goals for yourself

You plunge into a sea of ​​guilt when you don’t accomplish them. Although it is simply impossible for an ordinary person to do the number of tasks that you plan to do every day.

You devalue Toxic Productivity niche marketing: how to get better results? your achievements. Even having achieved good measurable  results, having received a bonus or praise from your boss, you believe that you have no merit in this. You need to try even harder!


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