The target audience (TA) is a group of people who are potentially interested in your product. They are united by common characteristics, such as gender, age, or place of residence.
Within the general target audience, separate segments are distinguished – subgroups with clearly expressed differences. They may have different interests, problems and needs, but nevertheless, they all use your product.
As a rule, companies work with several consumer segments at once – they create goods and services for them, develop advertising. At the same time, the largest number of resources are directed to the core target audience.
For example, a company that sells medical products can work with clinic owners, private doctors, and massage therapists at the same time. In advertising for massage therapists, the marketing department will emphasize comfortable orthopedic couches, offer private doctors consumables — syringes and bandages, and tell large clinics about expensive diagnostic equipment. The core in this case is the clinics, since they buy more.
Characteristics of the target audience
Each client can be described from different angles, using phone number list dozens of characteristics. In order not to get bogged down in this work, it is necessary to highlight those features that will distinguish your target audience.
In the B2C market, the following characteristics are most often used for this:
Demographics: This includes gender, age, marital status and presence of children, as well as religion and nationality.
Geographical. Where a person lives, works or studies. Sometimes it is important to indicate the size and status of a settlement, its distance from the center of the region, and climatic features.
Socioeconomic. This is the average income level, as well as factors that affect solvency – education, place of work and profession. Here you can also indicate the main expense items – what a person mainly spends money on.
Where to get information about the target audience
There are four main channels for obtaining information installation of the brake system about potential buyers: analysis of open sources, data on the company’s clients, competitors, and direct study of representatives of the target audience.
Open Sources
There is a lot of information about consumer behavior available on the internet, and it is often free:
Ready-made analytics. Some research companies study the market and publish their reports online — you can find statistics on various business areas there. For example, the NAFI agency website provides analytics on FMCG, construction, tourism b2c fax and finance, and the VTsIOM website contains articles with the results of population surveys on social, political and economic issues.
Trends, expert articles and cases. Many market participants share their experience to attract new clients. You can find this useful content and learn from it about the behavior of the target audience.