And this is what I got in the end. 413 users follow the link, 8 of whom submitt applications. Subsequently, 7 of them paid for them, and another application is pending. At the time of creating the screenshot, payment in the amount of 3220 rubles was receiv on my account, and another payment of 460 rubles was expect. This is my income for 1 day for the offer “Breast Enlargement Cream”.
To increase your income, you can try to
Pour on financial offers, and not just on goods. More details on how to do this are describ in the article “FINANCIAL OFFERS: HOW TO DRAIN TRAFFIC WITH MAXIMUM RETURN?”
I am sure that reading this asia mobile number list case and registering on СРАseti will become your starting point in a successful career as an arbitrageur.
Thematic site (dacha, repair, cars)
Very often, people promoting their website give up when they encounter the first difficulties. For example, they do not know what services can be sold through this site, or cannot decide on an affiliate program. But even the statistics in such a situation, there is a way out! Start a site on a topic that you simply like, for example, hunting, fishing, business, real estate – anything! Earning money on the Internet is bas on traffic, i.e. on the attendance of your site or blog. The higher the attendance, the more people will see the ad and click on it, and therefore, the higher the income from your resource will be.
Thematic sites can be perfectly
Monetiz by placing the statistics advertising blocks in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords or using banner advertising.
“White” methods of monetization
I consider “white” methods aero leads of website monetization to be those that will not harm your website or ruin its reputation.
YAN (Yandex Advertising Network) – only high-quality sites are accept here. You don’t have a legal entity? No the statistics offer to cancel instead of asking for confirmation problem! When you start working with YAN, you sign an agreement according to which they will make ductions to the Pension Fund for you. When all formal procures are complet, you place the following blocks on your site: