News from the Google God 




News from the Google God Out of competition, the also anticipated release on September 19 of Rambo 5, with the ineffable Sylvester Stallone ready to show that he still has a few strings to his bow, especially since John Rambo still has a little ground to catch up with in terms of popularity on his buddy Rocky. Incredible but true, there are still 321 people on average searching on the Internet for information on “Stop or my mother will shoot”.


The number of spectators who turned out

en masse) on August 14 for the cinema release of Tarantino’s latest, Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. That’s already a bit better than the first days of Inglourious Basterds (165,414 admissions) and Kill Bill (137,264)

That’s it for the mountain ranking, but overseas data what about the yellow jersey? In the general ranking of Tarantino productions, it is Django Unchained that dominates the debates with a total of 4,319,012 admissions in France, far ahead of Pulp Fiction and its 2,864,173 admissions. But the 1994 Palme d’Or is making up for it in the ranking of the popularity of Quentin Tarantino’s films!

For the first time in News from the Google God  history, more than half

Google searches (50.33% exactly) ended without a click on an organic or paid link. Not because people were lazy, no, but a more than logical consequence of the growing development of rich snippets that increasingly often give the information sought by the user without the user having to go further than the first search page.




The overall accuracy score achieved by Google Vision’s visual recognition AI, according to a new report from Perficient Digital , which had 2,000 images tagged by several AIs to measure their accuracy. In fact, the only ones doing better than Google are… humans, with 87.7% accuracy.



Other random figures (and that’s an understatement)


Like 750g, the site that seems to have definitely found the right SEO recipe, at least if we are to believe the excellent article by our colleague from Journal du Net Marjolaine Tasset. We learn in particular that the SEO success of 750g was largely built on an increased presence on Pinterest, a source of backlinks (and therefore traffic) that is anything but negligible.



Although they are still far from the giant Marmiton, 750g has still managed to see its traffic increase considerably in recent times, and a small america email list

This is the number of airbnb. Accommodations declared in june 2019. In paris, unsurprisingly the city in france most invaded. By seasonal rentals, far ahead of its. Runners-up on the côte d’azur, cannes and nice. Each with around 11,500 accommodations.

Using the semrush tool, we looked. At monthly searches for airbnb accommodation. On google… to see that in paris, as elsewhere, the law of supply and demand is. A little disrupted, with a number of requests. That very often exceed the number of. Available accommodations.

infographic extracted from the SEMrush Traffic Analytics tool allows us to see the effective superiority of referral traffic, from backlinks, so… well, we meet again!




Like the average price of a pint of beer in Oslo, the highest in Europe, far ahead of the 1.40 euros you will have to pay in Prague, where tourists this summer did not need to make wooden Czechs to pay for a pub crawl.

Paris occupies a sad third place with 6.60 euros example of smart goals for 500 ml of beer, a drink that is admittedly less widespread in France than this red wine of which we are so proud. But besides, what beers do the French drink, Beer Day (August 2) or not? Heineken largely dominates the popularity ranking, while 8.6 brings up the rear.




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