Here comes autumn, and with it the new law on cash register equipment. The first fiscal data operators have already appear, but it is still scary! Yes, everything new is scary! And it is scary because it is unknown. It is scary to enter a dark room, because you do not know what awaits you there, it is scary to ford an unknown river, because you do not know how it will behave. And then the Internet does not keep silent.
A-a-a!” some shout, “they have uae whatsapp data introduc
Total surveillance of every purchase – from a bottle of water to an apartment!” Others, such as Andrey Shubin, executive director of Opora Rossii, echo them: “Companies are concern about the safety of commercial vague doubts secrets and do not want to transfer sales data by nomenclature even to the state. The intermiary – the fiscal data operator (FDO) – will accumulate the data. This intermiate link increases the risk of data being chang or transferr to competitors! And in general, the openness of the transferr data increases the risk of cyber threats!
To dispel fears, you ne to know more
Know more about vague doubts what is there, “beyond the horizon”, what all this may threaten. Knowlge is power! Let’s try to look at this situation from different points of view, see what could be and, finally, determine: is it for good or for bad. And there are at least three points of view here: on the one hand, it is the sovereign’s eye, the tax collectors in the person of the tax authorities, on the other ‒ of course, all of us together as buyers (ordinary people) and, on the third hand, these are sellers, who in the terms of the Feral Tax Service of Russia are call taxpayers.
First, let’s see how it all works and what’s new here
It us to be like this vague rick roussin president and ceo doubts come to the store, make purchases, pay, and they give you a paper receipt. That’s it, this is the fiscal document, which, on the one hand, serves as aero leads a justification for the purchase made, and on the other, as the starting point for determining the taxable base for the taxpayer. True, for this he nes to submit the EKLZ in a timely manner – a kind of storage device that will allow the tax authorities to correctly calculate taxes.