How to Prevent Bullying in a Team

Sometimes coworkers cross the line: jokes turn into systematic humiliation of the individual, and harmless teasing into open aggression. Such behavior affects the atmosphere in the team. A toxic environment is created, where it is difficult to remain productive and focused. This phenomenon has a specific name – mobbing.

In this article, we will talk about the types, causes and consequences of mobbing. We will also talk about methods of combating bullying at work and give advice on how to prevent such a situation.

What is mobbing?

The word “mobbing” comes from the English “mob” and country email list means “to attack in a crowd”. The author of the term is the Swedish psychologist Hans Leyman. He  described mobbing as a special type of psychological violence. In such a situation, a group of people at work begins to bully their colleague. This may continue for a short time or stretch out over several years.

At work, mobbing can manifest itself as psychological pressure. Colleagues, subordinates or managers can systematically bully an employee. In this way, they want to force the person to quit or reduce his influence in the team.

Anyone can become a victim of mobbing – a new the best professional braids specialist, an experienced worker, and even a manager. Mobbing harms not only the employee himself, but also the entire atmosphere in the team. It creates tension and reduces overall productivity.

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying?

Mobbing and bullying are both terms that are related to collective bullying. However, bullying often occurs among people of the same level, such as schoolchildren or students. In such cases, it is rare for an older person to know about the bullying.

Mobbing involves more complex dynamics, especially in the workplace. Managers can play different roles in the process. For example, they can organize bullying or support it.

Causes of Mobbing at Work

There may be different reasons for psychological violence at work. Let’s look at the main ones:

Poor conditions: Noisy, cold or crowded offices can b2c fax cause stress in the workplace. In such an environment, people are more likely to be lazy, which often becomes a reason for bullying .

Characteristics of the bully: A person who bullied others as a child may continue to behave aggressively in adulthood.

The desire for self-affirmation: Some employees with low self-esteem may use team members to assert themselves. They seek to subjugate others, wanting to feel powerful.

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