Accidents and maternity

Miss A , ag nineteen, comes to the CPCT-parent because “she doesn’t understand her son” ag two; precisely, she doesn’t understand why he hits. If this behaviour leaves her helpless, Miss A reveals herself to be an attentive, observant mother in search of a certain know-how, not without local support: she is in fact welcom into a maternity centre 1 and maternity  .

Until she was eight, Ms. A liv in France with her mother, then they went to live in Mayotte where Ms. A met her father and siblings, whom she did not like because they want to exploit her: “Some of them don’t even greet me in the street, but ask me for favors or money. I refuse.”

Motherhood as an accident

She return to France three years ago. Ms. A distinguishes these two worlds: Mayotte represents a dangerous universe. In France, she is “much calmer”, she unfolds: shopping with friends, chatting  accurate clean numbers list from frist database on the doorstep, preparing meals with other mothers from the CM. However, things  determining your unique selling proposition quickly turn around: the CM “is anything goes.

Of Another who obliges him to oblige himself for the other

Ms. A says she is “lost”, too much is ask of her, there are “too many rules”. So sometimes she explodes, ends up leaving, which calms her down. Other times, she stays at home, turns european union email list  off her phone. Getting up in the morning tires her out, her back hurts, her hands are cold, the work is hard, no one takes care of her. But “at school, they know how to get to her”,

all they have to do is talk to her about her responsibility towards Faïel and she “calms down instantly”, goes back to work. She distinguishes between the two obligations that are impos on her: the demands of the school or the CM, which “oblige her”, and her son to whom she has obligations to fulfill,


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