Why is it necessary and what will happen if it is not done

Delegation of authority is an important tool in the work of a manager. It helps not only to unload the manager, free up energy and time, but also to improve the professional level and motivation of his employees. We tell you how to effectively set tasks and delegate authority to your subordinates, while staying informed about key processes and not losing the quality of work.

What does delegation give?

Delegation is usually understood as a partial transfer c level contact list of tasks and functions of the manager, as well as the necessary rights and powers to his subordinates. Both parties benefit from this process.

Manager when delegating:

  • relieves some of the burden;
  • gets rid of questions that are not related to management, removes routine tasks from oneself;
  • gets more time to solve important problems and strategic tasks.

What happens if you don’t share powers?

If, for some reason, a manager avoids delegating authority motorbike from a trimmer what to pay and transferring responsibilities to subordinates, and “ties” the resolution of most issues to himself, then over time this can lead to not very good consequences for the business.

Firstly, it is a big burden for the manager himself.

Living under time pressure and constantly feeling like you can’t get anything done is actually very difficult. No one can endure it for too long, because this type of work leads to emotional burnout and even sleep and health problems. The main management mistake is taking on too much workload and solving problems on your own.

Secondly, this approach makes the company inflexible.

A queue of questions for approval may accumulate. The organization becomes difficult to manage. The manager drowns in operational matters; he is the main america email list decision-maker in the company. Therefore, such managers usually do not have enough time and focus to see the project as a whole, find solutions to problems and business growth points, and develop a common strategy.

Thirdly, it has a negative impact on the atmosphere in the team.

Colleagues may feel distrust from the manager, notice hypercontrol or “micromanagement” from him. Employees do not grow professionally or grow more slowly than they could because some managers demand that they report on every step they take. And ultimately, because of this, the growth of the entire company slows down.

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