Often it depends on the scale of the recruitment and the size of the company. Recruiters or HR specialists are often involved in the hiring process. At the final stages of candidate selection, the opinion of the department head is important – if we are talking about leading positions, and the company director.
How to prepare for an interview?
The rule that it is worth preparing for an interview is relevant country email list not only for candidates, but also for those who will conduct the meeting. What should a manager pay attention to before communicating with a future employee:
Job Description
Ask your HR manager for a precise description of the vacancy. This will help you focus during the meeting on who you are looking for and for what purpose.
Candidate details
Look at the resume of the person you are going to the best professional braids interview in advance – find out their experience and skills. Be sure to remember the candidate’s name to avoid an awkward situation during the conversation. If the HR specialist has previously called the candidate, it is better to clarify the content of this conversation.
List of questions
Some questions will definitely come up during the conversation, but most of the list can be formed based on the candidate’s resume, experience and skills.
Position information
By the beginning of the interview, it is worthwhile to clearly outline the duties and area of responsibility of the future employee. It is worthwhile to orient the candidate and understand whether he has all the necessary skills or whether he is “sagging” somewhere.
Details of next steps for employment if the candidate is suitable
It is important to plan the hiring funnel in advance and not america email list create too many selection stages. Tell the employee about the hiring conditions: whether you employ employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a civil-law contract, or work only with self-employed individuals. Unsuitable conditions or type of employment may become a reason for rejection for the candidate.
How to conduct an interview?
HR and recruiters conduct interviews all the time — for them, it’s a routine task. For a manager, these are often isolated cases, for example, when hiring top managers. Think through the interview process in advance. The more structured the conversation is, the easier it will be to analyze the interview and make a final hiring decision. Here’s what’s especially important during a meeting with a candidate:
Direct the conversation during an interview
Keeping the conversation friendly is a good idea, but the interview should have structure and logic. If the candidate gets distracted and jumps from topic to topic, bring the interviewer back to the workflow.