3 Non-Obvious Reasons The Internet is teeming with articles about the mistakes of online stores and the reasons for their collapse. And in today’s article I suggest you look at the problem from a different angle and identify the hidden reasons for failure. So, let’s look at 3 non-obvious reasons for the failure of an online store:
1 There is no demand for 3 Non-Obvious Reasons your offer on the Internet
Despite the fact that many of us literally live on the Internet, and perceive places “out of reach” as black holes, still, we do not buy everything on the Internet. And if your target audience is those who use the Internet “moderately”, that is: for mail, social networks, and also infrequent (1-2 times a year) purchases, then do not be surprised that they simply do not search for your products on the Internet.
Before opening an online store, be sure to conduct a market analysis. What is the demand on the Internet for what you are going to sell? How often do people search for related information? And do they even know that what you offer exists?
It is the lack of demand that is one of the main reasons for the closure of online stores in the first months of their existence. Even contextual advertising, which is effective for many e-commerce projects, will not help here. Due to the lack of demand, it will not bear fruit – all because if there is no demand, there is no demand, and therefore, there is no target traffic.
But it’s not all that bad! Don’t despair if you find that no one wants to buy your planned offer online. You need to develop a different telegram data promotion tactic that is aimed at working with the creation of need. Make demand appear. How? By working with opinion leaders, promoting on social networks, launching teaser advertising, banners, publishing articles in the media that your audience reads. Create a need in the target audience, and it will come to you.
2 People already trust others
Let’s say there is demand for your product. And it is quite good. Or maybe incredibly high. But why then are there no sales?
What to do in such a case? How to lure customers to yourself? You have only one thing left to do – become even better than your competitors. To do this, you do not need to throw mud at them, you need to “differentiate” yourself from your duplicate the message competitors. You are different. You are not like that. And that is your charm. Use the differentiation strategy, and you will find your audience. More about online store positioningread in this article.
3 Incompetent call center managers
Another non-obvious reason why your sales are not growing, or even non-existent, is rude managers who take orders over the phone. Even if a person has completed an online purchase, but a manager who was rude contacts him, the client is highly likely to refuse the deal.
In addition, clients may be put america email list off by a manager who does not know the product. Often a person may need advice on the product they have chosen, or they may want to take something in addition. If the manager does not show off his knowledge, the client may go to more competent competitors.