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How to define your target audience without mistakes?

A proven guide to defining a company’s target audience

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Structure of the HADI cycle:

  1. Hypotheses.
  2. Actions.
  3. Data.
  4. Conclusions (Insights).

Let’s consider each of the elements in more detail.


Once the goal is defin ,, you niche marketing: how to get better results? can begin to formulate a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is an assumption put forward to achieve some goals.

Example: a person sets a goal “Learn to evoke affection in others without words”, which is very useful for successful business. The hypothesis for it may sound like “If you show a sincere smile as a powerful signal of friendliness, it will evoke a good mood and a good disposition in the interlocutor.”

You can notice the main school email list construction of the hypothesis: “If…, then…”, but in this case it is simple, and can consist of several levels. For example: “If you divide the products on the site into sections, then it will be easier for buyers to make a choice when searching for a product. If you make a certain design for the site, then the products on this resource can be arrang , in thematic sections…”. You can continue with hypotheses about the design and so on.

The most important thing is to put forward only well-consider , assumptions. After all, it will take a lot of time, team effort and, of course, financial investment to check each of them. The hypothesis must have a solid basis, for example, statistical data or the experience of other entrepreneurs in this field of activity.

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