The 5 mistakes when creating a B2B Content Marketing strategy

In addition to knowing what you need to do to be successful with your B2B Content Marketing

strategy, it is also essential to know what actions you should avoid.

That is why we are listing the most common mistakes made by marketing professionals when creating

their content production strategies for other companies.

Check them out and get ready to overcome those challenges!

1st mistake: Promote your brand

When it comes to Content Marketing, whether america phone number list B2B or B2C, the first thing

you should avoid at all costs is promoting your brand!

It is useless to say that your company is the right one to do a good job, but you must demonstrate it

through a content experience , in which you have to prioritize the knowledge that can be useful to the


2nd mistake: Prioritizing quantity over quality

As much as the quantity and regularity kim hoffman risk management of publications are essential for

the success of a Content Marketing strategy , it is important not to produce them in any way.

After all, the Internet is full of content and the B2B audience is even more demanding about

the quality and depth of what they offer.

3rd mistake: Assuming

Decision makers in companies canada cell numbers don’t care what you think, they need numbers,

statistics and information to prove everything you say. So, don’t assume!

Always work with data that can be used to persuade your buyer persona to learn more about your

company and become a potential customer.

4th mistake: Produce and wait

No matter how good the content your team produces is, it won’t stand out on the Internet on its own.

So use the resources necessary to promote it.

Whether through SEO and better search engine positioning or investing in advertising, the important

thing is to use the tools to ensure that the content reaches your target audience .

5th mistake: Not having a professional dedicated to producing

According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute , 32% of companies do not have a professional dedicated exclusively to content production work.

The same study reveals that among companies that achieve better returns, this same number drops to 13%.

As we know that you don’t want to make any of these mistakes in your strategy, we invite you to download our complete (and free) e-book on Content in B2B companies with Hubspot:

What are the best examples of B2B Content Marketing?

To show you how some companies can efficiently exploit B2B Content Marketing, we have included some successful examples that can be adapted to your business and your audience.

Insights from Deloitte

What better way to become a reference in research and studies when the topic is consulting?

Deloitte does this with excellence , addressing diverse questions on different industries, becoming a source of consultation for the most varied audiences, generating enormous traffic on its pages.

CB Insights

As we said before, newsletters are very efficient for communicating with the public and CB Insights does it very well.

With a more casual connection, everything you need to know can be read without even clicking on a link. So, you respect the customer experience without forcing them to make any interaction, and at the same time, you strengthen your brand awareness.

Ciox Health

Ciox Health provides information management tools for healthcare facilities such as hospitals and physician practices. The company was looking to expand in 2016 and one of the key challenges it faced was generating new leads in other markets.

It relied on Content4Demand solutions to achieve these objectives.

After conducting a quantitative survey, Ciox Health was able to develop buyer personas and begin a Content Marketing strategy consisting of six pieces (Q&A, quiz, infographic, checklist, interactive list, and a mixed-media motion graphics video).

The results of Ciox Health’s marketing campaign were impressive. The infographic performed three times better than a non-personalized one, reaching 1,884 prospects (42.8% of whom opened an email and 14.5% clicked on one of the contents) and taking advantage of 18 opportunities.

According to Content4Demand, Ciox marketing representatives were interested in increasing their use of interactive content because it yielded better results.

Key Equipment Finance

Key Equipment Finance , a provider of equipment financing solutions, was struggling to manage their Content Marketing campaign and was looking for tools to make their parts more engaging.

Initially, with the help of Ion Interactive , the company repurposed some of its static content into an infographic as part of an interactive experience. This proved useful in engaging the audience, providing valuable information about its products, and building brand authority.

Additionally, the effectiveness of Key Equipment Finance’s Marketing team was maximized because Ion’s online platform makes it easy to produce content and also offers tools to distribute it and measure the performance of the strategy.

As a result, Key Equipment Finance was able to achieve a 21% increase in website visits and their conversion rates increased by 36%.

Similarly, the solutions were useful in boosting engagement and providing feedback to Marketing and Sales teams, because interactive content allows for more detailed information to be gathered about the audience.

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