Don’t think that opening such a lock is very easy

It can be done with a master key, but only a high-class specialist can cope with such work, and there are very few of them, so you should not be too afraid of breaking in.

If we talk about the advantages of a lever lock bc data malaysia on metal entrance doors, then the following should be not:

  • reliable protection against drilling out the secret;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • quite high reliability;
  • affordable cost.

This type of lock also has its disadvantages:

Video: How a lever lock works

Cylinder structures

Cylinder locks are much better suit for metal entrance doors. These are singapore lead modern devices that appear much later than lever locks.

The advantages of cylinder mechanisms are:

  • ease of use;
  • ease of replacing the cylinder and installing more complex mechanisms;
  • small siz keys.

If you have lost the key to such a lock, you do not ne to change the entire mechanism, it is enough to buy a new cylinder with a set of keys. You can install it yourself, it will take only a few minutes.

The principle of operation of a cylinder lock is as follows: there are spring-load pins or, as they are also call, “pins” in the cylinder. Each pin consists of two parts of different lengths. After the key is insert into the lock, all the pins, using the teeth on the key, line up in one line and the lock can be open. When using another key, the pins do not line up in one line, so it will not be possible to open the mechanism.

The more pins in a cylinder, the higher its reliability.

The more pins are install in the cylinder, the more difficult it is to open such a mechanism. When purchasing a lock, you ne to inquire about the number of pins and choose the one with the maximum number of them.

Among the disadvantages of a cylinder lock it is necessary to note:

  • low resistance to breaking in by drilling out the cylinder – this disadvantage is compensat by installing armor plates;
  • the possibility of quite easily tearing out the cylinder if install incorrectly.

When choosing a core for entrance metal doors, you ne to pay attention not only to the type, but also to the material from which it is made. For entrance doors, you cannot buy nickel silver secrets; brass is the best option.

The brass larva is much stronger than the cupronickel one, but it costs more

Since the main task of entrance doors is to prevent illegal entry into the house, the degree of secrecy is of great importance for the lock. This indicator will depend on the following factors:

  • the probability of matching keys from other locks;
  • difficulties in picking a master key;
  • reliability;
  • service life.

According to their level of reliability, locks for entrance doors are divid into the following categories:

  • low level of secrecy. Such locks do not have protection against master keys, all pins are locat in the center of the cylinder, their manufacturing accuracy is low, and the number of combinations varies from 10 to 10,000;
  • average level. Here the number of possible combinations is already within 5000–50000, wear-resistant materials are us and the pins are offset from the center of the cylinder;
  • high level of reliability. More than 100 thousand combinations are provid, there is special protection against the use of master keys, high-quality materials are us.

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